See below for details about my services and options!


Ear Acupuncture, Pain-free Laser Ear Acupuncture, Magnet Acupressure, and Acu-Detox

Auriculotherapy utilizes the microsystem on the ear to treat and alleviate various health conditions by stimulating points on the ear that correspond to specific parts of the body, systems, and emotions.

Treats: Stress, anxiety, grief, depression, insomnia, physical and emotional pain, injuries, neurological and musculoskeletal issues, fertility, addictions, PTSD, hypertension, vertigo, allergies, digestion, sciatica, migraines, the effects of COVID-19, Long Covid, & the COVID-19 vaccine, and MUCH more!

Flower Essence Auricular Acupuncture

Flower essences are dilute, potentized herbal infusions prepared from wildflowers or pristine garden blossoms. They are made directly in the “laboratory of nature,” where the four alchemical elements of earth, water, air and fire are found in harmonious balance. 

Treatment: Specific flower essences are utilized to detect and treat (with Acupuncture) trapped emotional, mental, and physical energy in the body. By freeing up large amounts of stuck Qi (energy) in the body, the emotional body and physical body begin to function optimally.

      CranioSacral Therapy          

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)/Meridan & Body Balancing is a light touch approach that releases tensions/restrictions deep in the body. This relieves pain & dysfunction and improves whole body, mind and soul.

By freeing the central nervous system to perform at its best, balancing the meridians, activating and rewiring your DNA, and restoring the Qi - your pain and stress are reduced, your resistance to disease is enhanced, and your health and wellbeing improves.

Treats: Physical, emotional & spiritual pain and imbalances.

Promotes healing on ALL levels! Learn More

Release and Relax

This treatment is solely focused on relaxation and stress relief. Using a combination of stress-releasing techniques (from Craniosacral Therapy & Acupressure) your body and mind are able to completely relax and allow for a deep state of calm, relaxation, and regeneration.

Treats: Stress related issues, anxiety, muscle tension, mental tension, nervousness, and much more.

Good for the mind, body, and soul!

Focused Pain-Relief Therapy

~Natural Healing with Laser Energy~

Laser Therapy is a natural, holistic (and relaxing) method of healing used for non-invasive therapy.

Laser Therapy penetrates deeply into the body with UV visible red light to Treat: Pain, wounds, musculoskeletal disorders, trigger points, circulation, cell metabolism, tissue repair, acupuncture points, and much more!

This therapy will be used with other healing modalities to support deep healing in the body!

Full Body Reset

Auriculotherapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Meridan and Body Balancing to Reset and Restore Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Get the full effects of Applied Kinesiology Informed Ear Acupuncture, Pain-free Laser Acupuncture, Electrotherapy (or Needleless Magnet Acupressure, Applied Kinesiology Informed Meridian & Body Balancing and CranioSacral Therapy.

People have said:

“I feel amazing and refreshed, and my pain is gone!”

“I slept like a baby for the first time in years”

Nutrition Response Therapy

Find underlying causes for ailments, deficiencies, and allergies to determine the best treatments to help you heal and bring your body to function at 100%.

Treatment is focused on anyone who wants to take control of their health due to illnesses or deficiencies (including long COVID) and/or athletes who want to increase their stamina and function at maximum capacity.

Session consists of Nutrition Response Testing to determine the bodies needs and a light treatment to get started on the right track. Leave with a critical information and a plan!

Quantum Healing Therapy

Using the principals of Quantum Physics, Quantum Entanglement, an energetic diagnostic system, and ancient quantum healing techniques - we can provide healing on the deepest levels of consciousness and in our energetic bodies.  

Quantum Energy Therapy works with (and on) the quantum field, where our consciousness is vibrating at different frequencies, affecting our matter (physical body). A low vibration of energy and stuck energy (Qi) acts as a toxin to the physical body - causing pain, illness, and disease.

Balancing your energy (Qi) and increasing your vibration contributes to optimal health, wellbeing, and consciousness.

Animal Healing Therapy

Applied Kinesiology Informed Meridian & Body Balancing and CranioSacral Therapy for your pet.

Just like humans, animals have a CranioSacral system and rhythm that can be utilized to balance their systems, organs, bones, or restrictions.

Utilizing the practice of Applied Kinesiology to determine what your pets needs to heal; the physical and emotional restrictions can be released and balanced. This tool can also be used to determine the root cause of issues.

Treats: Physical and Emotional Pain & Imbalances.

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